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Genus (range choice):
A-C D-F G-I J-L M-O P-R S-U V-Z   A-Z
Distribution as:




» Nr KFP:
search_arrow species: Elodes johni (Klausnitzer, 1975)
Description in KFP (in Polish):
[tom 22]
Gatunek stosunkowo niedawno opisany z Niemiec, notowany dotychczas z Belgii, Węgier i Rumunii. Z Polski wykazany z jednego stanowiska na podstawie złowionego jednego samca. Poławiany na brzegach strumieni i pobrzeżach lasów.
map - KFP regions magnify
Occurrence in faunistic regions as in KFP

[not updated]
This is the archival website. For more recent data on the species at the Biodiversity Map
The current website is a browser
of the digitized Catalogus Faunae Poloniae.
BioMap Database provides new data on species and more search tools.

Distribution as:
Distribution data:
Source Region Area References
KFP 22 Bieszczady Wetlina Borowiec i Kania 1996