Русские, остановите эту войну! Спасите Свободную Украину!
Russians, stop this war! Save Free Ukraine!
Biodiversity Map
Beetles of Poland
Accuracy of source data in the database (records)
- text only: mainly legacy data, described generally; not displayed on maps, sometimes imanently imprecise
- area - polygon): many of older data, described at a level of an administration unit; also grid coordinates (mostly UTM squares 10×10 km)
- point - majority of records; a default form of contemporary data, often recorded directly by GPS receivers; for older data point coordinates are acquired from maps
Data presentation
- form
- ⚬static maps, used in the text application, p. example
- ⚬dynamic maps, used in the interactive mapping application
- ⚬text: original data of a record, area names; the only presentation form for imprecise data
- map detail level
- ⚬point: for point data
- ⚬area: for data described as such; for points and smaller areas as a generalization method (eg. provinces for data from districts or nature reserves, UTM squares for points); a default form of vizualization for sensitive data (protected, threatened species etc.)